
Palmerston Game and Fishing Club, Social Fish and Walk

Bring your kids, dog and take a leisurely walk around the Durack Lakes whilst having a flick in the ponds to catch the elusive Barra.  Only barbless hooks are to be used, for public and fish safety. No nets are allowed in any of the lakes in Palmerston and it is strictly catch and release – ALL fish are to be returned to the lake (let’s get the fish back into the pond for future fishos’ to catch).

  • Meet in the car park at 19 Majestic Drive, Durack (Lake 7 – on Map).
  • Register your participation to go into a draw for a PGFC prize. 
  • An additional prize is on offer for the longest fish (any species) caught.  Fish must be measured on the PGFC measuring board at the registration desk to be eligible.
  • Bring your own fishing equipment.
  • Enclosed shoes and hat
  • There are 10 Lakes to walk around and try your luck.
  • See the team and mention Febfit to join in


23 February 2024


5:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Durack Lakes
19 Majestic Drive